These t-shirts have had a huge growth in the market, simple white and the final touch is given with a simple word or phrase. Combined for a look more comfortable are also now looks a bet for most compounds.
A marca Brashy Couture, apesar do seu preço elevado, tem alguns dos mais bonitos exemplares de t-shirts, sendo que no site temos acesso a um blog em que demonstra algumas bloggers internacionais que aderiram à moda. Como tal, existem marcas que já começaram a criar o seu próprio modelo (mais acessível , como a Zara e a Pull, e sejamos sinceros, não lhes ficam nada atrás. Recentemente descobrir no site da P&B (a terceira a contar da esquerda), com a frase "Tee For It Girls", no entanto nas lojas esgotou completamente. Porque será?
The brand Brashy Couture, despite its high price, has some of the most beautiful examples of t-shirts, and the site have access to a blog that shows some bloggers that have joined the international fashion. As such, there are brands that have started to create their own model (more accessible, such as Zara and Pull and let's face it, they would not get anything back. Recently discover the site of R & B (third from left) with the phrase "Tee For It Girls", however the stores sold out completely. Why is that?
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